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Zhengzhou, Henan, yesterday added 3 local confirmed cases and 21 local asymptomatic cases. The latest news on the epidemic situation in Henan on August 5

Views: 2     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-08-05      Origin: Site

On the afternoon of August 3, Lou Yangsheng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and Wang Kai, Governor of the Provincial Party Committee, went to high-risk communities and centralized isolation points in Zhengzhou City to investigate the epidemic prevention and control work, and held a symposium to listen to the situation report and study the next steps.

Yard No. 3, Chunhui Community, Jingguang Road Street, Erqi District, has been fully closed for management. Lou Yangsheng asked about nucleic acid testing and environmental elimination. He pointed out that the current epidemic prevention and control is in an extraordinary period and an extraordinary moment. It is necessary to make epidemic prevention and control a top priority and strictly follow the epidemic prevention and control work guidelines. Implement various prevention and control measures in a practical and detailed manner, and resolutely prevent the spread of the epidemic. Lou Yangsheng communicated with the grassroots party members on duty, learned about community management and the people’s livelihood security, and urged them to give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members while protecting themselves. Work together and work together to build a solid line of defense for epidemic prevention and control.

Wang Kai came to the Jinjiang Inn Hotel in Erqi District, a centralized isolation point, and talked seriously with community officials and staff, and asked in detail about the implementation of isolation measures, and checked the "three areas and two passages" setting on the spot, and urged everyone to resolutely abandon paralysis and implement them strictly. The various measures for epidemic prevention and control, on the basis of self-protection, proactively serve the centralized and isolated people, and help fight the epidemic prevention and control battle.

Subsequently, Lou Yangsheng and Wang Kai held a symposium to listen to reports on the prevention and control of the epidemic in Zhengzhou and the joint prevention and control work of the whole province. To do a good job in the prevention and control of the current epidemic, Lou Yangsheng emphasized that first, we must plan for the worst. Fully estimate the severity and complexity of the epidemic prevention and control situation, implement the most stringent standards, and take the most powerful measures to deal with the most severe challenges. Second, we must resolutely block the spread of proliferation channels. Strengthen the power of circulation, implement joint prevention and control, group prevention and group control measures, resolutely confine the source of infection, block the spread channels, and use the utmost determination to ensure that the epidemic is resolved in Henan and eliminated in Henan. Third, we must carry out multiple rounds of nucleic acid testing to clear the bottom. Zhengzhou City must complete the first round of nucleic acid testing for all employees as soon as possible, and start the second round of testing as soon as possible. Key areas must first complete the second round of testing. It is necessary to persist in a game of chess across the province, coordinate and mobilize medical resources, prevention and control materials, and personnel, improve testing capabilities, ensure testing quality, and conduct thorough investigations to ensure that no one is missed. Fourth, we must resolutely prevent the occurrence of hospital feelings. We will do a good job in the isolation, transfer, and treatment of relevant hospital infected persons, comprehensively investigate hidden risks in medical institutions, strengthen scientific and standardized management, strictly implement the branch and zoning diagnosis and treatment system, and strictly implement protective measures for medical personnel. Fifth, we must prevent both input and output. Regard export prevention as a major political responsibility, do a good job in isolation and control, weave a tightly closed epidemic prevention and control network, and resolutely prevent the spread of the epidemic; strengthen the control of international flights and cold chain logistics, and the circuit breaker will be decisive and strictly implement the general warehouse management , Make sure that every entry must be inspected, and every exit must be inspected. Sixth, we must ensure market supply and ensure production and operation. Establish a logistics transfer station area to ensure safety and smoothness, and ensure sufficient supplies of materials, items, and food required for life and production, and stable prices. Seventh, we must improve the leadership mechanism. The more critical the period, the more it is necessary to strengthen the unified command and overall scheduling of the whole province, the main leaders must be in front of the command, the leaders in charge must be in-depth and specific, and each special class and each department must perform their own duties to form a strong joint force for epidemic prevention and control. Resolutely win this tough battle.

Wang Kai made a five-point plan to strengthen the current epidemic prevention and control work. First, the scope should be further expanded. The risk area should be scientifically delineated on the basis of comprehensive research and judgment, and the scope of containment and control should be appropriately expanded to resolutely stop the spread of the epidemic. The second is to retrain personnel, organize professional forces to increase the training of centralized quarantine personnel, community cadres, and medical personnel, so as to be scientifically guarded, busy and not chaotic. The third is to make information more smooth, strengthen scheduling coordination, service docking, speed up the improvement of information systems, make good use of big data and other informatization methods, speed up nucleic acid detection, flow regulation and traceability, and race against time. Fourth, the environment must be eliminated again, and the night time must be fully utilized to eliminate dead ends in the risk area in all directions. Fifth, the isolation points must be prepared again, speed up the preparation of standby isolation hotels, scientifically and standardized establishment of "three areas and two passages", implement detailed prevention and control measures, and ensure the safe operation of isolation points.

The Guangzhou epidemic in May this year was the first "head-on confrontation" between my country and the Delta mutant strain.

"We found that the epidemic spread very quickly. In the early stage, 5 generations of transmission occurred within 10 days, with a transmission index of 4.04-5.0. According to this index, if effective measures are not taken, according to model predictions, there will probably be Guangzhou in the same period. 7.3 million people were infected.” On July 31, Zhong Nanshan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said when attending a summit event in Guangzhou, “Because the delta mutant virus has a high load, strong contagion, and a large concentration of the virus breathed out by the infected, etc. Characteristic, the past concept of close contact is no longer applicable."

"The concept of close contact in the past was that the family members of the infected person, colleagues in the same office, and those who had meals and meetings within 1 meter of the infected person were all close contacts. For the delta variant, in the same space and in the same space. The unit and the same building that had been with the infected person 4 days before the onset of illness were all close contacts. Because of the change in concept, we formulated different control modes such as closed and closed control." Zhong Nanshan said, "According to the change of concept The number of close contacts increased from 378 to 5992. Through screening, some infected people were found, and the source of infection was quickly identified and the chain of infection was cut off."

After several adjustments to the prevention and control plan, since June 19, there have been no new infections in the Guangzhou community. From the beginning of the epidemic to the realization of continuous "zero new additions", it took less than one month.

The new coronavirus can spread in all climates

Is the hot and humid summer the nemesis of the new coronavirus? After all, SARS, which is in the same family as the new crown virus, quietly left the scene before the arrival of the intense heat. However, this rule does not seem to be applicable to the new coronavirus.

As early as May last year, the famous journal "Science" published a paper by researchers from Princeton University in the United States, stating that summer is approaching in the northern hemisphere, and rising temperatures are unlikely to significantly inhibit the spread of the new crown pneumonia epidemic.

According to a study published by the Fudan University School of Public Health team in the European Journal of Respiration, from the perspective of transmission in Chinese cities, climate factors such as temperature and ultraviolet radiation did not have a significant impact on the spread of the new coronavirus. This epidemic pattern is similar to Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). When the temperature exceeds 45 degrees Celsius, the number of MERS cases is still increasing.

From the point of view of the regions where the new coronavirus occurs in the world, it has been proved that the new coronavirus has the ability to spread under various climatic conditions, including the simultaneous epidemic in the northern and southern hemispheres. The World Health Organization has also stated that from the evidence obtained so far, the new coronavirus can spread in all areas, including areas with hot and humid climates. Regardless of the climatic conditions, people must take protective measures if they live in or travel to areas where COVID-19 has been reported.

"Influenza viruses and new coronaviruses are not transmitted in exactly the same way." Cai Weiping, chief expert at the Infectious Diseases Center of the Eighth People's Hospital of Guangzhou, pointed out that influenza viruses are mainly transmitted through the air and are relatively easily affected by temperature. Therefore, influenza generally occurs in winter and spring and summer. Rarely, the new coronavirus is spread through respiratory droplets, which is less affected by temperature.

He also pointed out that temperature is not the key to determining the prevalence of the new coronavirus. The prevalence of the virus is related to the intensity of prevention and control in the country and region.

"Although delta has strong transmission power, its transmission route has not changed much. Respiratory transmission is still the main route, and contact transmission is the secondary route." Cai Weiping emphasized that wearing a mask and vaccination are important ways to deal with infectious diseases. . After the human body produces antibodies through the vaccine, even if it is infected with the virus, it can greatly reduce the probability of becoming severe and critically ill.


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